“The Capitalists will sell us the rope with which we will hang them.” Lenin
In 1999, nine years before the Calabrese interview, Zeifman told the Scripps-Howard news agency: “If I had the power to fire her, I would have fired her.” In a 2008 interview on “The Neal Boortz Show,” Zeifman was asked directly whether he fired her. His answer: “Well, let me put it this way. I terminated her, along with some other staff members who were — we no longer needed, and advised her that I would not — could not recommend her for any further positions.”
IRS 990 forms for the Bill Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Foundation. What’s astounding is the 27% spent on salaries for an alleged “non-profit” https://projects.propublica.org/nonprofits/organizations/311580204 …
#DemocratMETOO: One might think that given Jon Favreau’s background, he’d refrain from posting or commenting about much of anything http://voices.washingtonpost.com/44/2008/12/one-more-question.html … “Obama speechwriter photographed groping Hillary Clinton likeness”
Remember when Hillary said not accepting the results of an election would be “horrifying” ? http://dailycaller.com/2016/11/26/flashback-clinton-said-not-accepting-election-results-was-horrifying-video/ …
Hillary “Planned Parenthood Margaret Sanger Award Winner” Clinton ?
Hillary’s been colluding with spiritualists and mediums for a long time … http://www.cnn.com/US/9606/22/hillary.book/ … “Woodward suggests the White House hoped to keep Mrs. Clinton’s relationship with Houston and her talks with the dead a secret.”
Bill Clinton was DISBARRED and FINED and FOUND IN CONTEMPT. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/bill-clinton-fined-and-disbarred-over-the-monica-lewinsky-scandal/ …
Hillary went to such great lengths to hide her 35,000+ emails! http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/fobs-hillarys-state-dept-gave-special-attention-friends/story?id=42615379 … https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2015/09/hillary-clinton-email-213110 …
“Educated” Hillary FAILED the D.C. Bar Exam — a fact she kept HIDDEN for 30 YEARS “Of 817 applicants, 551 of her peers had passed, most from law schools less prestigious than Yale.” https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/no-bar-to-success/ …
Aren’t you glad that Hillary is not leading the Free World? https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/worldviews/wp/2014/03/17/the-failure-of-the-u-s-russia-reset-in-9-photos/?utm_term=.9c1058f7fad5 …
“Penn wrote,”I can’t imagine America electing a president during time of war who is not at his center fundamentally American in his thinking and values.” Obama’s “lack of American roots”
“I had him take a polygraph, which he passed, which forever destroyed my faith in polygraphs,” Clinton said about client Thomas Alfred Taylor, who raped Shelton in 1975, laughing.”