Ilhan (#SomePeopleDidSomething) Omar (D-Somalia)

New evidence has emerged that Rep. Ilhan Omar did indeed marry her brother, and that her real name may actually be Ilhan Nur Said.
A resurfaced tweet from 2013 links to a now-deleted Instagram post in which she refers to her father by the name Nur Said.

Ilhan #ImmigrationFraud Omar

Ilhan Omar, MN U.S. Congressional Representative is alleged to have committed immigration fraud by marrying her brother.
MN Search For A Marriage Certificate (

Turns out the brother-sister marriage between Ilhan Omar and her Ahmed Nur Said Elmi occured ten years ago, the same year Obama was first inaugurated. Ahmed Nur Said Elmi, the brother of Omar is a British citizen and was living in public housing in Minnesota years ago. He was eventually evicted and went back to the UK. Oh and there’s another thing. Sibling marriage is against the law in Minnesota, yet the brother and sister were married in Hennepin County, Minnesota. I guess they looked the other way when it came to Ilhan Omar and her brother bride Ahmed Nur Said Elmi. Today would have been their 10 year anniversary.

That’s Elmi himself, holding baby Ilwad at the hospital. She was born the day before to his legal wife, Ilhan Omar. Who attested in court that she has had zero contact with Ahmed Elmi since before Ilwad was conceived, let alone born.
The silver lining for Elmi here is that he still likely has little reason to fear a process server greeting him in London with a paternity test.
Because he clearly calls his wife’s child … a niece?