Myth Of Income Inequality

#MythOfIncomeInequality #LyingDEMOCRATS #LyingLeftistECONOMISTS #MediaMalpractice

You thought income inequality was rising dramatically, right? Well, so did I. In fact, maybe you thought so in part because I and journalists like me have been reporting it as fact, for decades. But maybe we’re wrong — all of us.

To put it simply, income inequality and poverty are measured and reported before most redistributions – transfers – from the well-off to the poor. But those transfers are large and have become much larger over the last 55 years. Failing to measure and report incomes after most of those transfers, while reporting them only before those transfers, is like only reporting investment performance before fees and taxes.

It is well known – or believed – that inequality in the Scandinavian countries and other Western European countries is much less than in the U.S. The reason for this difference, we assume, is that government redistributes wealth in those countries from the rich to the poor to a much greater extent than the U.S. does.

But suppose it was discovered that there is just as much, or nearly as much redistribution in the U.S., but it is not reported and recorded in incomes. This, in essence, is the message of The Myth of American Inequality.